By investing heavily in their territory through generous trade deals, the free construction of roads, and the amenities associated with being a part of Elysia they can be persuaded to embrace these benefits in exchange for subservience as vassal states. The alliances with Miami, the Shawnee, and the Yamasee have provided welcome stability on the border, but it is time to increase our over them. By pioneering a new organisation technique and further centralising the production in a great manufactorium, we could further increase production and therefore profits. Textiles have long been a profitable endeavour, but Elysian silk in particular has been enormously so, providing a stupendous amount of money in production taxes alone. With a smaller population and a more sparsely populated countryside, every soldier must perform to their utmost. The alliances with Miami, the Shawnee, and the Yamasee have provided welcome stability on the border, but it is time to increase our influence over them. In view of this a massive imperial investment in the Hyke and Korous copper mines could double production of this metal, providing not only additional taxation for the greater output of the cannon smiths, but also improving trade in the area as more people are attracted to the mines. Copper is currently one of the most valued metals produced in Elysia for its use in the casting of cannon. The citizen who thinks they live in a time of prosperity is a happy citizen. With a series of community initiatives and celebratory festivals, you can improve the happiness of your citizens and their faith in the good-will and capabilities of their ruler. It will take effort, but they must be made to see reason and allow the competition. But now they are using those privileges to force out and harass aspiring merchants, which is damaging our economy. The Emporoi have jealously guarded their privileges and for good reason, as the dynatoi have always looked down on the traders despite their wealth. If permanent crossbowmen were stationed in the square with even heavier weapons, perhaps at the corners or the sides, we could further increase the formation's lethality.

The pike and shot formation has proved itself effective beyond our wildest hopes, but there are theoretical improvements to be made.

The colonial efforts must be focused on key natural harbours and strategic areas, regardless of their closeness to current borders. The untamed wilds of Elysium need to be brought under control, and the Romans must be the ones to do it.